Advanced Usage

This page describes some of the more advanced features of the SDK for plugin development.

Device Enumeration Handler

The Device Enumeration Handler,

type DeviceEnumerator func(map[string]interface{}) ([]*config.DeviceConfig, error)

is a handler that allows a plugin to register device instances programmatically, not through pre-defined YAML. A good use case for this is IPMI, where the plugin will know which BMCs to reach out to, but not which devices are on the BMCs. Instead of manually going through and constructing the configuration for each server, this can be done through a device enumeration handler that connects with the BMC, get all devices it has, and then initialize plugin Device instances for those found devices.

The map[string]interface{} that is the input parameter to the DeviceEnumerator function type is the map defined in the plugin configuration under the auto_enumerate key. Any values can be specified there, under any nesting, but it is up to the plugin writer to parse them correctly.

For more, see the Auto Enumerate Example Plugin.

Pre Run Actions

Pre Run Actions are actions that the plugin should perform before it starts to run the gRPC server and start the read/write goroutines. These are actions that should be used for plugin-wide setup actions, should a plugin require it. This could be performing some kind of authentication, verifying that some backend exists and is reachable, etc.

Pre Run Actions should be defined as part of plugin initialization and should be registered with the plugin before it is run.

A pre run action should fulfil the pluginAction type

type pluginAction func(p *Plugin) error

The pluginAction should then be registered with the plugin via the plugin.RegisterPreRunActions function.

An (abridged) example:

// preRunAction defines a function we will run before the
// plugin starts its main run logic.
func preRunAction(p *sdk.Plugin) error {
    return backend.VerifyRunning()  // do some action

func main() {
    // Create a new Plugin
    plugin, err := sdk.NewPlugin(handlers, nil)
    if err != nil {

    // Register the action with the plugin.

For more, see the Pre Run Actions Example Plugin.

Device Setup Actions

Some devices might need a setup action performed before the plugin starts to read or write to them. As an example, this could be performing some type of authentication, or setting some bit in a register. The action itself is plugin (and protocol) specific and does not matter to the SDK.

Device Setup Actions should be defined as part of plugin initialization and should be registered with the plugin before it is run.

A device setup action should fulfil the deviceAction type

type deviceAction func(p *Plugin, d *Device) error

The deviceAction should then be registered with the plugin via the plugin.RegisterDeviceSetupActions function.

An (abridged) example:

// deviceSetupAction defines a function we will use as a
// device setup action.
func deviceSetupAction(p *sdk.Plugin, d *sdk.Device) error {
    return utils.Validate(d) // do some action

func main() {
    // Create a new Plugin
    plugin, err := sdk.NewPlugin(handlers, nil)
    if err != nil {

    // Register the action with all devices that have
    // the type "airflow".

For more, see the Pre Run Actions Example Plugin.

C Backend

Plugins can be written with C backends. In general, this means that the read/write handlers or some related logic is written in C. This feature is not specific to the SDK, but is a feature of Go itself.

For more information on this, see the CGo Documentation and the C Plugin example.